apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Umut Durak
Institut für Informatik
Big Data and Technical Information Systems
Umut Durak is leading the Avionics Systems Research Group in the Institute of Flight Systems at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). He is also an adjunct Professor of Aeronautical Informatics at the Informatics Institute at the Clausthal University of Technology. His research interests concentrate on the engineering of software-intensive airborne systems. He has published five books and more than 100 papers in various conference proceedings and journals. He is an Associate Fellow and the Co-Chair of the Software Technical Committee at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and an Executive Board Member of the German simulation association Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation (ASIM).
Aeronautical informatics is the field where aircraft and information technologies meet. I have been working in various fields of aeronautical informatics for more than 15 years; establishing methodologies and work flows, and developing systems, tools and infrastructures. I am currently participating in Flight Dynamics and Simulation Department of German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Flight Systems as a Research Scientist. I am a part of the team that is responsible for the Air Vehicle Simulator (AVES). There I am conducting simulation engineering research on application of model based methodologies for flight simulations and simulation-based methodologies for flight systems development.
Here I am participating in TU Clausthal Insitute of Informatics as a privatdozent. I am coordinating the aeronautical informatics research group, offering courses, seminars and co-supervising research projects and master thesis.
- Simulation-based flight systems development: Methodologies and approaches for streamlining the simulation utilization in flight system development.
- X-in-the-loop testing, model integrations, FMI, simulation scenarios for systems validation, distributed simulation, simulation continuity
- Model-based engineering of flight systems: Application of model-driven practices in flight systems engineering lifecycle.
- Metamodeling, model transformations, code generation
- Model-based testing, model-driven development, model-based scenario development, model-based modernization
- Simulation-based flight training: Utilization of advanced simulation techniques for flight training purposes.
- Flight simulation scenario development, challenge based training, flight simulation analytics, smart instructor operator stations
- Ontologies and flight systems: Methodologies and integration strategies for ontologies in order to introduce them as the implicit components of flight systems development toolchain
- Ontologies for metamodeling, ontologies for domain modeling, life cycle ontologies
Professional Activities
- Member of Society for Computer Simulation International (SCS), Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO), Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation (ASIM) and senior member of The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- Member of ASIM Executive Board
- SCS Vice President - Education
- Member of AIAA Modeling and Simulation, and Software Technical Committees
- Discipline Chair for AIAA SciTech 2018 Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference
- General Chair of 50th Summer Computer Simulation Conference
- Co-chaired International Symposium on Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering (MOD4SIM) from 2016 to 2018
- In organization committees of SpringSim since 2015
- In program committees of various conferences, symposia and workshops including WinterSim, ANSS, ASIM Conferences, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conferences, ACM PADS
- In the editorial team of the Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International and Simulation Notes Europe.
- John Sokolowski, Umut Durak, Nav Mustafee, and Andreas Tolk (eds.). 2019. Summer of Simulation: 50 Years of Seminal Computer Simulation Research. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
- Umut Durak, Jürgen Becker, Sven Hartmann and Nikolaos S. Voros (eds.). 2018. Advances in Aeronautical Informatics: Technologies Towards Flight 4.0. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
- Saurabh Mittal, Umut Durak and Tuncer Ören (eds.). 2017. Guide to Simulation-Based Disciplines: Advancing our Computational Future. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
- Okan Topcu, Umut Durak, Halit Oguztuzun and Levent Yilmaz. 2016. Distributed Simulation: Model-Driven Engineering Approach. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
Book Chapters
- Umut Durak, Andrea D’Ambrogio, Andreas Tolk, Saikou Diallo, Gregory Zacharewicz, José L. Risco-Martín, Jacob Barhak, Ralph Coolidge Huntsinger and M S Raunak. 2019. 50 Summers of Computer Simulation. In Summer of Simulation: 50 Years of Seminal Computer Simulation Research. Springer.
- Tuncer Ören, Saurabh Mittal and Umut Durak. 2019. Modeling and simulation: The essence and increasing importance. In Modeling and Simulation of Complex Networks, M.A.Niazi (ed.). IET Publishing.
- Umut Durak, Ingo Stuermer, Thorsten Pawletta and Somaye Mahmoodi. 2019. Quality assessment and quality improvement in model engineering. In Model Engineering for Simulation, Zhang, L. and B. Zeigler and L. Juanjun (eds.). Elsevier.
- Thorsten Pawletta, Umut Durak and Artur Schmidt. 2019. Modeling and simulation of versatile technical systems using an extended System Entity Structure/Model Base infrastructure. In Model Engineering for Simulation, Zhang, L. and B. Zeigler and L. Juanjun (eds.). Elsevier.
- Umut Durak, Thorsten Pawletta and Tuncer Ören. 2018. Simulating variable system structures for engineering emergence. In Engineering Emergence: A Modeling and Simulation Approach, Rainey, L. and M. Jamshidi (eds.). CRC Press.
- Umut Durak. 2018. Flight 4.0: The changing technology landscape of aeronautics. In Advances in Aeronautical Informatics: Technologies Towards Flight 4.0, Durak, U., Becker, J., Hartmann, S. and N. Voros (eds.). Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
- Shafagh Jafer, Umut Durak, Hakan Aydemir, Richard Ruff and Thorsten Pawletta. 2018. Advances in software engineering and informatics. In Advances in Aeronautical Informatics: Technologies Towards Flight 4.0, Durak, U., Becker, J., Hartmann, S. and N. Voros (eds.). Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
- Tuncer Ören, Saurabh Mittal and Umut Durak. 2018. Induced Emergence in Computational Social Systems Engineering: Multimodels and Dynamic Couplings as Methodological Basis. In Emergent Behavior in Complex Systems Engineering: A M&S Approach, Mittal, S., Diallo, S. and A. Tolk (eds.). Wiley STM.
- Umut Durak, Tuncer Ören and Anreas Tolk. 2017. An index to the body of knowledge of simulation systems engineering. In The Profession of Modeling and Simulation, Tolk, A. and T. Ören (eds.). Wiley.
- Tuncer Ören, Saurabh Mittal and Umut Durak. 2017. The evolution of simulation and its contributions to many disciplines. In Guide to Simulation-Based Disciplines: Advancing our Computational Future, Mittal, S., U. Durak and T. Ören (eds.). Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
- Melih Cakmakci, Gullu Kiziltas Sendur and Umut Durak. 2017. Simulation-based engineering. In Guide to Simulation-Based Disciplines: Advancing our Computational Future, Mittal, S., U. Durak and T. Ören (eds.). Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
Journal Articles
- Simon Reder, Fabian Kempf, Harald Bucher, Jürgen Becker, Panayiotis Alefragis, Nikolaos Voros, Stefanos Skalistis, Steven Derrien, Isabelle Puaut, Oliver Oey, Timo Stripf, Christian Ferdinand, Clément David, Peer Ulbig, David Mueller and Umut Durak. 2019. Worst-Case Execution-Time-Aware Parallelization of Model-Based Avionics Applications. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems. doi:10.2514/1.I010749.
- Fatemeh Davoudi, Oliver Lenord, Niklas Worschech, Umut Durak, and Sven Hartmann. Redesign and Evaluation of an Equation-Based Model Reduction Method in OpenModelica. International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation. doi: 10.1504/IJESMS.2019.10023750
- Awad Mukbil, Umut Durak and Sven Hartmann. 2019. Conformance Testing of FMI Calling Sequence for Simulation Environments. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing doi: 10.1142/S1793962319500089.
- Shafagh Jafer, Bharvi Chhaya, Bernard P. Zeigler and Umut Durak. 2018. SES and Ecore for Ontology-based Scenario Modeling in Aviation Scenario Definition Language (ASDL). International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace 5, 5.
- Somaye Mahmoodi, Umut Durak, Sven Hartmann, and Shafagh Jafer. 2018. DO-330/ED-215 Overlay to the IEEE Recommended Practice for Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (in Print)
- Shafagh Jafer, Bharvi Chhaya, Jessica Updegrove, and Umut Durak. 2018. Schema-based ontological representations of a domain-specific scenario modeling language. Journal of Simulation Engineering 1.
- Shafagh Jafer, Bharvi Chhaya, Umut Durak and Torsten Gerlach. 2018. Automatic generation of flight simulation scenarios with Aviation Scenario Definition Language. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 15, 4, doi:10.2514/1.I010514.
- Shihui Chen, , Umut Durak and Sven Hartmann. 2018. Modeling and Simulation-based Development of Autonomy Features for Drones. Simulation Notes Europe 28, 2, 55-60, doi: DOI: 10.11128/sne.28.tn.10413
- Bharvi Chhaya, Shafagh Jafer and Umut Durak. 2018. Formal verification of simulation scenarios in Aviation Scenario Definition Language (ASDL). Aerospace 5, 1, doi:10.3390/aerospace5010010
- Thorsten Pawletta, Artur Schmidt, Umut Durak and Bernard P. Zeigler. 2018. A Framework for the metamodeling of multi-variant systems and reactive simulation model generation and execution. Simulation Notes Europe 28, 1, 11-18, doi: 10.11128/sne.28.tn.10402.
- Tuncay Ören, Saurabh Mittal and Umut Durak. 2018. A paradigm shift from model-based to simulation-based: Timeliness and usefulness for many disciplines. International Journal of Computer & Software Engineering 3, 125, doi:10.15344/2456-4451/2018/126
- Türkan Karakus Yilmaz, Umut Durak, Halit Oguztuzun and Kürsat Cagiltay. 2018. Usability evaluation of a web based ontology browser: The Case of TSONT. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science doi: 10.3906/elk-1610-50
- Hendrik Folkerts, Thorsten Pawletta, Christina Deatcu, Umut Durak. 2017. Variability modeling for engineering applications. Simulation Notes Europe 27, 4, 167-176, doi: 10.11128/sne.27.tn.10391.
- Chenfeng Zhu, Umut Durak, Sven Hartmann and Clément David. 2016. Automatic layout of Scilab/Xcos diagrams. Simulation Notes Europe 27, 3, 143-151, doi: 10.11128/sne.27.tn.10384.
- Artur Schmidt, Umut Durak and Thorsten Pawletta. 2016. Model based testing approach for objective fidelity evaluation of complex and modular simulation models. Simulation 92, 8, 729-746.
- Umut Durak. 2015. Extending the Knowledge Discovery Metamodel for architecture-driven simulation modernization. Simulation 91, 12, 1052-1067.
- Umut Durak. 2015. Pragmatic model transformations for refactoring in Scilab/Xcos. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation and Scientific Computing 7, 1, Article 1541004.
- Ertan Deniz, Umut Durak, Kadriye Guclu and Halit Oguztuzun. 2015. DDS based Mil-Std-1553B Data Bus Interface simulation. Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation 12, 2, 179-188.
- Umut Durak, Artur Schmidt and Thorsten Pawletta. 2014. Ontology for objective flight simulator fidelity evaluation. SNE Simulation Notes Europe 24, 2, 69-78.
- Umut Durak, Halit Oguztuzun, Ceren Koksal Algin and Ozer Ozdikis. 2011. Towards interoperable and composable trajectory simulations: an ontology based approach. Journal of Simulation 5, 217-229.
- Umut Durak, Halit Oguztuzun and Kemal Ider. 2009. Ontology based domain engineering for trajectory simulation reuse. Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 19, 8, 1109-1129.
- Umut Durak, Halit Oguztuzun and Kemal Ider. 2008. Ontology based trajectory simulation framework. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 8, 1, Article 014503.
Conference Papers
- Bikash C. Karmokar, Umut Durak, Sven Hartmann, and Bernard P. Zeigler. 2019. Towards a Standard Computational Representation for System Entity Structures. SummerSim-SCSC. Berlin, Germany.
- Bikash C. Karmokar, Umut Durak, Shafagh Jafer, Bharvi Chhaya and Sven Hartmann. 2019. Tools for Scenario Development Using System Entity Structures. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Christoph Torens, Umut Durak, Florian Nikodem, and Sebastian Schirmer. 2019. Formally Bounding UAS Behavior to Concept of Operations with Operation-Specific Scenario Description Language. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Bharvi Chhaya, Shafagh Jafer, and Umut Durak. 2019. Scenario-Based Development of DSL Models using Domain-Specific Scenario (DoSS) Framework. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Peer Ulbig, Umut Durak, David Müller, Christoph Torens, Timo Stripf and Carlos C. Insaurralde. 2019. Simulator-Based Verification for Model-Based Avionics Applications on Multi-Core Targets. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Peer Ulbig, Umut Durak, David Müller, Oliver Oey, Timo Stripf and Michael Rückauer. 2018. Fallstudie: Terrain Awareness and Warning System – Automatische Parallelisierung eines modellbasierten Design. Embedded Software Engineering Kongress. Sindelfingen, Germany.
- David Mueller, Umut Durak. 2018. Enhanced Functions for a Parallel Multicore Ground Proximity Warning System. 37th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). London, UK.
- Claus Bertram Koch, Umut Durak, and David Müller. 2018. Simulation-Based Verification for Parallelization of Model-Based Applications. SummerSim-SCSC. Bordeaux, France.
- Haitao Wang, Shihui Chen, Umut Durak, and Sven Hartmann. 2018. Simulation Infrastructure for Aeronautical Informatics Education. SummerSim-SCSC. Bordeaux, France.
- Umut Durak, David Müller, Florian Möcke, and Claus Bertram Koch. 2018. Modeling and Simulation Based Development of an Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System for Multicore Targets. SpringSim-Mod4Sim. Baltimore, MD.
- Christina Deatcu, Hendrik Folkerts, Thorsten Pawletta, and Umut Durak. 2018. Design Patterns for Variability Modeling Using SES Ontology. SpringSim-Mod4Sim. Baltimore, MD.
- Oliver Oey, Michael Rückauer, Timo Stripf, Jürgen Becker, Clément David, Yann Debray, David Müller, Umut Durak, Emin Koray Kasnakli, Marcus Bednara, Michael Schöberl. 2018. Interactive Parallelization of Embedded Real-Time Applications Starting from Open-Source Scilab & Xcos. 9th European Congress Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, Toulouse, France.
- Umut Durak, Shafagh Jafer, Rob Wittman, Saurabh Mittal, Sven Hartmann and Bernard P. Zeigler. 2018. Computational representation for a simulation scenario definition language. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Kissimmee, FL.
- Umut Durak, Shafagh Jafer, Steven D. Beard, Scott Reardon, James R. Murphy, Dennis A. Crider, Arno Gerretsen, Helge Lenz, Nickolas D. Macchiarella, Kevin T. Rigby, Christoph Torens and Florian-Michael Adolf. 2018. Towards a standardization for simulation scenario development in aviation – panel discussion. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Kissimmee, FL.
- Dominik Niedermeier, Jan-Philipp Buch, Umut Durak and Frederik Mohrmann. 2018. Simulating the unexpected: challenge-centric simulator scenario design for advanced flight crew training. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Kissimmee, FL.
- Christoph Torens, Umut Durak, Florian Nikodem, Johann Dauer, Florian-Michael Adolf and Joerg Dittrich. 2018. Adapting scenario definition language for formalizing UAS concept of operations. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Kissimmee, FL.
- Bharvi Chhaya, Shafagh Jafer, William B. Coyne, Neal C. Thigpen and Umut Durak. 2018. Enhancing scenario-centric air traffic control training. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Kissimmee, FL.
- Somaye Mahmoodi, Umut Durak, Torsten Gerlach, Sven Hartmann and Andrea D’Ambrogio. 2017. Tailoring CMMI engineering process areas for simulation systems engineering. Clausthal-Göttingen International Workshop on Simulation Science, Göttingen, Germany.
- Umut Durak, Thorsten Pawletta and Halit Oguztuzun and Bernard P. Zeigler. 2017. System Entity Structure and Model Base Framework in model based engineering of simulations for technical systems. SpringSim-Mod4Sim, Virginia Beach, VA.
- Shafagh Jafer and Umut Durak. 2017. Tackling the complexity of simulation scenario development in aviation. SpringSim-MSCIAAS, Virginia Beach, VA.
- Shafagh Jafer, Bharvi Chhaya and Umut Durak. OWL ontology to Ecore metamodel transformation for designing a domain specific language to develop aviation scenarios. SpringSim-Mod4Sim, Virginia Beach, VA.
- Steven Derrien, Isabelle Puaut, Panayiotis Alefragis, Marcus Bednara, Harald Bucher, Clement David, Yann Debray, Umut Durak, Imen Fassi, Christian Ferdinand, Damien Hardy, Angeliki Kritikakou, Gerard Rauwerda, Simon Reder, Martin Sicks, Timo Stripf, Kim Sunesen, Timon ter Braak, Nikolaos Voros and Jürgen Becker. 2017. WCET-aware parallelization of model-based applications for multi-cores: The ARGO approach. 2017 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Andreas Tolk and Umut Durak. 2017. Simulation als epistemologische Grundlage für intelligente Roboter. Workshop der ASIM/GI Fachgruppen STS und GMMS, Ulm, Germany.
- Umut Durak and Torsten Gerlach. 2017. Wissensgebiete der Simulationstechnik. Workshop der ASIM/GI Fachgruppen STS und GMMS, Ulm, Germany.
- Umut Durak, Insa Pruter, Torsten Gerlach, Shafagh Jafer, Thorsten Pawletta and Sven Hartmann. 2017. Using System Entity Structures to model the elements of a scenario in a research flight simulator. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Grapevine, TX.
- Shafagh Jafer, Bharvi Chhaya and Umut Durak. 2017. Graphical specification of flight scenarios with Aviation Scenario Definition Language (ASDL). AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Grapevine, TX.
- Andrea D'Ambrogio and Umut Durak. 2016. Setting systems and simulation life cycle processes side by side. IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Umut Durak, David Müller, Jurgen Becker, Nikolaos S. Voros, Panayiotis Alefragis, Timo Stripf, Pierre‐Aimé Agnel, Gerard Rauwerda and Kim Sunesen. 2016. Model-based development of Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System for heterogeneous multi-core architectures. 23. Symposium Simulationstechnik (ASIM 2016), Dresden, Germany.
- Umut Durak, Torsten Gerlach, Anil Ozturk, Volkan Kargin, Hakan Aydemir and Ugur Zengin. 2016. Flight simulator model integration for supporting pilot-in-the-loop testing in model-based rotorcraft design. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Washington, DC.
- Torsten Gerlach, Umut Durak, Alexander Knüppel and Tim Rambau. 2016. Running High Level Architecture in real-time for flight simulator integration. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Washington, DC.
- Shafagh Jafer, Bharvi Chhaya, Umut Durak, Torsten Gerlach. 2016. Formal scenario definition language for aviation: Aircraft landing case study. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Washington, DC.
- Umut Durak, Anil Öztürk and Mehmet Katircioglu. 2016. Simulation deployment blockset for MATLAB/Simulink. 2016 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (TMS/DEVS), Pasadena, CA.
- Umut Durak and Tuncer Ören. 2016. Towards an ontology for simulation systems engineering. 2015 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS), Pasadena, CA.
- Thorsten Pawletta, Artur Schmidt, Bernard P. Zeigler and Umut Durak. 2016. Extended variability modeling using System Entity Structure ontology within MATLAB/Simulink. 2016 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS), Pasadena, CA.
- Henrik Wüstenberg, Jürgen Gotschlich and Umut Durak. 2016. Anbindung eines aktiven Steuerkraftsystems an eine Echtzeitsimulation. ASIM STS/GMMS Workshop, Lippstadt, Germany.
- Awad Mukbil, Peter Stroganov, Umut Durak and Sven Hartmann. 2016. Towards a distributed simulation toolbox for Scilab. ASIM STS/GMMS Workshop, Lippstadt, Germany.
- Memduha Aslan, Halit Oguztuzun, Umut Durak and Koray Taylan. 2015. MOKA: An object-oriented framework for FMI co-simulation. 47th Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2015 (SCSC 2015), Chicago, IL.
- Umut Durak, Artur Schmidt and Thorsten Pawletta. 2015. Model-based testing for objective fidelity evaluation of engineering and research flight simulators. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Dallas, TX.
- Torsten Gerlach and Umut Durak. 2015. AVES SDK: Bridging the gap between simulator and flight systems designer. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies, Dallas, TX.
- Artur Schmidt, Umut Durak, Christoph Rasch and Thorsten Pawletta. 2015. Model-based testing approach for MATLAB/Simulink using System Entity Structure and Experimental Frames. 2015 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (TMS/DEVS), Alexandria, VA.
- Torsten Gerlach, Umut Durak and Jürgen Gotschlich. 2014. Model integration workflow for keeping models up to date in a research simulator. 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH), Wien, Austria.
- Umut Durak, Okan Topcu, Robert Siegfried and Halit Oguztuzun. 2014. Scenario development: A model driven engineering perspective. 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH), Wien, Austria.
- Jürgen Gotschlich, Torsten Gerlach and Umut Durak. 2014. 2Simulate: A distributed real-time simulation framework, ASIM STS/GMMS Workshop, Reutlingen, Germany.
- Faruk Yilmaz, Umut Durak, Koray Taylan and Halit Oguztuzun. 2014. Adopting Functional Mockup Units for HLA-compliant distributed simulation. 10th International Modelica Conference, Lund, Sweden.
- Sema Cam, Umut Durak, Ertan Deniz and Halit Oguztuzun. 2013. API for DDS based Mil-Std1553B bus simulator. 7th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, Turkey.
- Robert Siegfried, Halit Oguztüzün, Umut Durak, Aylin Hatip, Günter Herrmann, Paul Gustavson and Matthias Hahn. 2013. Specification and documentation of conceptual scenarios using Base Object Models (BOMs). 2013 Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, San Diego, CA.
- Ozer Ozdikis, Umut Durak and Halit Oguztuzun. 2010. Tool support for transformation from an OWL ontology to an HLA Object Model. 3rd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, Malaga, Spain.
- Ozer Ozdikis, Umut Durak and Halit Oguztuzun. 2009. User-guided transformations for ontology based simulation design. 2009 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Kamil Tulum, Umut Durak and Kemal Ider. 2009. Situation aware UAV mission route planning. 2009 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT.
- Umut Durak, Serdar Guler, Halit Oguztuzun and Kemal Ider. 2007. An exercise in ontology driven trajectory simulation with MATLAB Simulink®. 21st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Sevsay Aytar Ortac, Umut Durak, Umit Kutluay, Koray Kucuk and Can Candan. 2007. NABK based next generation ballistic table toolkit. 23rd International Symposium on Ballistics, Tarragona, Spain.
- Umut Durak, Halit Oguztuzun and Kemal Ider. 2006. An ontology for trajectory simulation. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Monterey, CA.
- Umut Durak, Halit Oguztuzun and Gokmen Mahmutyazicioglu. 2005. Domain analysis for reusable trajectory simulation. Euro – Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2005, Toulouse, France.
- Umut Durak, Omer Anlagan and Onur Demirors. 2001. Agent based shop floor control system development and software reuse. 12th DAAAM International Symposium: Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Precession Engineering, Jena, Germany.
- Umut Durak, Ozgur Unver, Omer Anlagan and Engin Kilic. 2000. Conceptual design of a gage and fixture tracking system using a distributed industrial framework. 9th International Machine Design and Production Conference, Ankara, Turkey.

Außerplanmäßiger Professor
TU Clausthal
Institute of Informatics
Aeronautical Informatics
Phone: +49 5323 72-7129
Albrecht-von-Groddeck-Str. 7
Gelbe Hörsaalgebäude, Room 202a
Email: umut.durak@tu-clausthal.de
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Flight Systems
Phone: +49 531 295-2907
Email: umut.durak@dlr.de
Office Hours: Friday afternoons with appointment