Bohlmann, Sabine
Dr. rer. nat Sabine Bohlmann
Institut für Informatik
Big Data and Technical Information Systems
Sabine Bohlmann is a research scientist at the Informatics Institute at the Clausthal University of Technology and technical leader of the actual EROVMUS project (Enhanced ROV Interface for Munition Studies) funded by MarTERA, an ERA-NET COFUND under the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union. The project EROVMUS aims at creating an improved interface for ROV pilots to enable easier and more cost effective ROV deployments in missions related to dumped underwater munitions. This will include both creation of a multisensory platform and improved software solutions. Part of TUC is the realisation of WP2 Data Processing and Integration, with the subtopics of Image Enhancement and Data Processing by Neural Nets.
My main research topic are the pathways in the retina and their link to the brain to model bionic algorithms to overcome the weaknesses of current computer-based algorithms for image enhancement and image analysis. In my PhD thesis I developed an algorithm that model the general information paths in the retina in order to pre-process images only by using the simple operations of nature - the potentials and their differences. This is much faster and more robust than common mathematical filters.
Another topic is to investigate the general pathways of information processing in the brain to develop effective neural nets structures for information processing and storage.
Research Interests
- Information processing in the retina to create bionic filters for image analysis
- Information processing in the brain to create effective information processing and storage algorithms
Project participating in
- EROVMUS, Enhanced ROV Interface for Munition Studies, Vorhaben: Algorithmische Umsetzung bionischer Verfahren zur Informationsverarbeitung und -speicherung sowie zur Sensordatenfusion, ERA-NET MarTERA Call 2021
- KNN - Künstliches Neuronales Netz für die Brunnenüberwachung, Part-funded by Zentrales Innovationsprogramm des BMWi
- DAIMON, Decision Aid for Marine Munitions, EU INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020
- SOAM, Berührungsfreie Sondierung von Gewässeruntergründen zwecks Auffindung von Altmunition und anderen Gefahrstoffen zur Gewährleistung der gefahrenlosen Gründung von Windenergieanlagen (WEA), Vorhaben: Neuronal-basierte Detektion von Altlasten und Munition (NeDAM), funded by BMWi
- Detectino, system which is used to detect underground utility lines and enter the data into mapping systems, funded by NBank and private investors
Former Courses involved in:
- Einführung in die Kognitionswissenschaften
- Modellbildung und Simulation
Book Chapters:
- Weyand, B. et al. (2021). Morphological Study of the Infrared Sensory Pits of Pit Viper, Python and Boa Snakes. In: Israelowitz, M., Weyand, B., von Schroeder, H., Vogt, P., Reuter, M., Reimers, K. (eds) Biomimetics and Bionic Applications with Clinical Applications. Series in BioEngineering. Springer, Cham.
- Rizvi, S.W.H. et al. (2021). Biomimetics Strategies to Overcoming Noise. In: Israelowitz, M., Weyand, B., von Schroeder, H., Vogt, P., Reuter, M., Reimers, K. (eds) Biomimetics and Bionic Applications with Clinical Applications. Series in BioEngineering. Springer, Cham.
- Reuter, M., Bohlmann, S. (2021). Biological Inspired Optical Pattern Analysis by Topological Neurons. In: Israelowitz, M., Weyand, B., von Schroeder, H., Vogt, P., Reuter, M., Reimers, K. (eds) Biomimetics and Bionic Applications with Clinical Applications. Series in BioEngineering. Springer, Cham.
- Israelowitz, M. et al. (2021). Neural Networks for Modeling Metabolic Pathways. In: Israelowitz, M., Weyand, B., von Schroeder, H., Vogt, P., Reuter, M., Reimers, K. (eds) Biomimetics and Bionic Applications with Clinical Applications. Series in BioEngineering. Springer, Cham.
- Reuter, M., Bohlmann, S. (2021). Computer-Based Intelligence Methods Applied for Personalized Management of Diabetes. In: Israelowitz, M., Weyand, B., von Schroeder, H., Vogt, P.,Reuter, M., Reimers, K. (eds) Biomimetics and Bionic Applications with Clinical Applications. Series in BioEngineering. Springer, Cham.
- Reuter, M., Bohlmann, S. (2021). Biological Inspired Image Analysis for Medical Applications. In: Israelowitz, M., Weyand, B., von Schroeder, H., Vogt, P., Reuter, M., Reimers, K. (eds) Biomimetics and Bionic Applications with Clinical Applications. Series in BioEngineering. Springer, Cham.
Conference papers:
- Bohlmann, S., Reuter, M. (2018): Lassen sich Risiken aus Munition im Meer ausrechnen? Fachtagung Kampfmittelbeseitigung 2018, 19./20. März 2018, Bad Kissingen, Germany.
- Reuter, M., Bohlmann, S.: Analysing Radargrams and Sonargrams by Biological Inspired Signal Processing Methods to Optimize the Detection of Mines and Dumped Ammunition (2015), 10th Security Research Conference, Future Security 2015, 15-17 September 2015, Berlin, Germany
- Reuter, M., Bohlmann, S. Personal Diabetes Management Tools based on hybrid Neural Nets (2014), BMT 2014 – 48th DGBMT Annual Conference, 8.-10. Oktober 2014, Hannover, Germany.
- Jans, Wolfgang & Reuter, Matthias & Behringer, Stefan & Bohlmann, Sabine. (2012). Probing the Seafloor in Order to Find Dumped Ammunition and Other Hazardous Materials. In: Aschenbruck, N., Martini, P., Meier, M., Tölle, J. (Eds.): Future Security. 7th Security Research Conference. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 315-326. 318. 10.1007/978-3-642-33161-9_48.
- Reuter, M., Bohlmann, S. Supervising MultiCut Aggregates by Special Neural Nets (2012), World Automation Congress (WAC), 24. – 28. Juni 2012, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
- Bohlmann, S. & Reuter, M. (2023) Bionisches Verfahren zur Vorverarbeitung von Bilddaten (DE 10 2016 007 532 A1 2017.12.21). Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt.

Phone: 05322 727104
Technische Universität Clausthal
Institut für Informatik
Gebäude D8, Raum 114
Julius-Albert-Str. 4
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Institut für Informatik
Julius-Albert-Str. 4
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld